Stained-Glass Beauty

Seen from the outside, the stained-glass windows in a church look dull and dark; but when you enter the church and can see the same windows illumined by the rays of the sun, you discover their incredible beauty. The light of the sun can transform stained-glass windows into magnificent works of art. Likewise, you can…… Continue reading Stained-Glass Beauty

Cottage of the Woodcarver

Just outside the village stood the cottage of a woodcarver. The woodcarver and his wife took me in, and I became their foster child. I learned to carve. A poet in wood-carving was my foster father. How proud everyone was of his work! How carefully he planned and cut designs in his wooden pieces! My…… Continue reading Cottage of the Woodcarver

A Fiesta of Color and Music

Like most people of Andalusia, the people of Arcangel are poor. But they are too proud to quarrel with their fate. Instead they make war against sadness with songs and dances, with laughter, and with joy at just being alive. That joy erupts like a volcano once a year during the three-day fiesta. During the…… Continue reading A Fiesta of Color and Music

Bonnie Charlie

BY CAROLINA OLIPHANT (LADY NAIRNE), set to a traditional Scottish folk tune. (To be learned as a class, distributing stanzas.) Bonnie Charlie’s noo awa Safely o’er the friendly main; He’rts will a’most break in twa Should he no’ come back again. Chorus Will ye no’ come back again? Will ye no’ come back again? Better…… Continue reading Bonnie Charlie